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4 years ago Read time: 6min
professional carding with dumps guide for noods 2020


You thought for quite a while lastly chose to profoundly transform you and go into genuine checking. So as to begin working with card dumps, you need substantially more than simply want or even cash.

As you probably already understood, this article will focus on shopping. I will talk about this industry as a whole, as I see it, well, I will share some of my tricks. I remind you that we will talk about shopping, but we are not talking about dumps with pins and withdrawing money at an ATM.


Of course, very experienced theorists will tell you that you need equipment for tens of thousands of dollars. So – all this nonsense. Now I will write a set of minimum, which will allow you to safely engage in shopping and earn money on it.

1) Encoder. Holy of holies in real carding. This device is needed in order to record dumps on plastic. My advice is to take MSR 605. This is the gold standard. Freely bought on Amazon or ebay, the price is around $ 200

2) Plastic “blank” cards with a magnetic stripe, can be of any color, but the most common is white (it is easier to draw an image on it). It is used to make credit card fakes.
It is divided into 2 types – Hi-Co and Lo-Co. These types differ in the magnetization force of the magnetic strip. You can, of course, order the production, but it is much easier to write dumps on old cards.

3) Dumps. Actually, the information from the magnetic stripe of the card. Prices vary greatly, depending on the level of the card, country, seller and much more. On personal experience – take America. There are a lot of card dumps and they work almost all over the world. Many advise taking cards no lower than gold, but in my opinion this is not always correct. Yes, the balance is higher, but for all my practice I finished the card “at zero” only 2 or 3 times. But there were more cases from the standard Mastercard than from platinum a lot.

There are 2 types of cards, chip and unchip.

The security level of chip cards is an order of magnitude higher than that of cards that have only a magnetic strip (there is also unique information on the chip), respectively, the dumps are also different in them – divided into:
201- Dumps of chip cards
101- Dump cards without a chip
Accordingly, for real carding (especially to start work in this area), we will need exactly 101 dumps.


So, the encoder with plastic on the table, dumps are ready for recording.

  1. It is necessary to record track 1. When you buy a card dumps, it may already be bundled or may be missing. The most important thing that contains track 1 is the name of the holder. Try to make it fit your image. If you are a man, it is impossible for it to contain a female name. This will immediately arouse the suspicion of sellers. Also, do not write your own name there, because a duplicate of the check remains in the store, and how you think, to whom the police will come the next day.
  2. There are two types of stores, some enter the last 4 card numbers, others do not. The second option is more suitable for us. When you buy dumps in the shop, you can pick up the last 4 digits of which will correspond to the digits of the card you are using. Then the question of choosing a store will be closed.
  3. Checking. Check the card dumps can both the seller and yourself. It is better to check for the cost of the dump, so you will make sure that the card works and in case it dies will return your money. I want to warn you that checking card dumps is a good thing, but many of it die after such a check.
  4. Before you go to the store you need to understand exactly what you are going to buy. In other words, you must have a buyer for the goods you intend to buy. Solve this issue in advance, agree with a potential buyer.
  5. Always carry money with you that would be enough for you to pay for your purchase, if something goes wrong. Think about your actions well in case of failure. What will you say and where to run if the situation gets out of control. Find out all the entrances and exits, walk around the supermarket, explore the terrain.
  6. Pick up clothes specifically for the card, so that it would be obscure. Remember that there are a lot of cameras around. If you are by car, it is better to leave it somewhere not nearby. If you drive up to the store, then take care that you would not see the number. Do not carry documents and mobile phone with you, all that will help to identify your personality.


So, being in the store, remember – YOU A CARDER, NOT A ROLLER. No need to run into the store, grab the plasma and poke the seller in the hands of a credit card. Come in calmly. Say hello to the seller. Say that you have a birthday soon and you would like to have your own phone / tablet / laptop. Let him help you with the choice. And most importantly – constantly communicate with him.

Even if you know about this laptop more than him, still ask if there is a wifi / run GTA or not / how much disk space. Talk about different things, ask his opinions about a pair of models. Become friends with him, and then even in the case of a withdrawal code, he will gladly believe that this is just your wife’s card, and you are in a quarrel with her, so she blocked her to spoil your holiday.

I want this paragraph to be re-read several times. Real carding is not in card dumps, not in withdrawal limits. You are an actor, and the store is your stage. And the only goal that you pursue is to make them believe in what is happening.


Always think with your head. If you need to hide your face – wear a medical mask, cough, pretend that you are sick. Joke – let your partner rush into the store and arrest you, taking the card and the purchase as a thing docks. Model situations and invent new approaches. If you need to pick up the card from the seller, ask yourself – and in what case would it be acceptable, how to justify this action?

Personally, I go to the store with two identical cards. One is dumped, and the other is my own. If something does not pass and the cashier starts to get nervous, I say “Yes, this happens, I myself worked at a bank before. Can I see the card?” I take a card, I say that everything is in order, I just have dust on the card, so they refuse to have an operation. I ask what they write. While the cashier looks at the monitor and reads, I change cards, and the transaction normally passes.

And finally, I wanted to add – you do not need to use anything “for courage.” Real carding requires brains, often in extreme conditions, so the head must be clean.